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Altubel's response to COVID-19: Special CANCELLATION and BOOKING Policy

01/02/2022 - altubel.com



The current situation has shown us all that at the end of the day, our health is our most precious asset. If you have been directly affected by this virus, we send you our best wishes and courage, and, as others have said, with effort and sacrifice, "everything will be fine". We believe so.

At Altubel we hope to make the 2022 season as close to normal as possible, and we want you to be able enjoy your holidays with total peace of mind.

That's why we want to let you know what we will do if you can't make use of your booking for one of the apartments that Altubel manages as a result of the pandemic. There are three possibilities:

1) You can cancel your booking free of charge and with a full refund of any down payments made, provided that:

a) Altubel has to change your booking dates for whatever reason.

b) Your arrival date is affected by travel restrictions imposed in your region or country.

c) The booking holder or any of the other guests has to self-isolate because they have tested positive for Covid-19 or been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive.


2) If you need to cancel your booking for any other reason related to the pandemic, we offer two alternatives:

2.1) You can change your booking to later in the 2022 season (i.e. postpone your booking). Naturally this is subject to availability, but we only need to change your current booking and apply your down payment to the new booking.

2.2) If you cannot change to different dates in the 2022 season, we can keep your down payment and apply it to a booking for 2023. Booking prices may change in this case, although we will not increase the price above consumer price inflation and we will save the same apartment for the new dates (pending signature of 2023 contracts with apartment owners). This is very similar to the pre-booking procedure we offer all our customers which allows you to put your name down on a booking for next year pending confirmation from the tenant that they will rent the apartment again (this applies to 95% of our bookings). If the apartment will not be available to rent in 2022, we will return your down payment or look for another one with the same or similar features and give you precedence over bookings made since. We believe that these options are mutually beneficial because we can offer our customers the chance to cancel without a penalty payment while also contributing to ensure the normal functioning operation of our company during this exceptional situation.


3) In all other cases, the standard ALTUBEL cancellation policy will apply, comprising the following cancellation charges:

a) 10% of the down payment when the cancellation is made 30 days or more prior to the day of arrival.

b) 50% of the down payment when the cancellation is made between 7 and 30 days prior to the day of arrival.

c) 100% when the cancellation is made with 7 or less days in advance; or when the apartment has not been occupied within the agreed period.

You can read our full Cancellation Policy in our Terms and Conditions V

Please note that if we are unable to go to our office due to a lockdown, we will continue to handle booking requests from home. If this happens, we will post it on our website. We all know that juggling family and work life during a lockdown is difficult so if possible, we would appreciate it if you contact us by emailing info@altubel.com, although we will try to regularly check messages on our answering machine and WhatsApp.

We appreciate your understanding! We hope to see you soon in Peñíscola enjoying your holidays with us (almost) as usual.

Warm regards

Telephone: 964 48 98 29
Email: Contact Form
Office hours

Our office is open from monday to friday from 09h30 to 18h30.

If you want to contact us, you can write us to  info@altubel.com o phone us to 00 34 964 48 98 29 o by whatsapp 00 34 686 01 00 43

Thank you


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